Order your bumper sticker today. $5.95 plus postage. You can email me at hobjogus@charter.net with your shipping information. We take Pay Pal -hobjogus@charter.net , Check or Cash.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Bumper Sticker
Order your bumper sticker today. $5.95 plus postage. You can email me at hobjogus@charter.net with your shipping information. We take Pay Pal -hobjogus@charter.net , Check or Cash.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Reason Number 3,275,234 To Carry - Alaskan Brown Bear
OK!!!! I have the whole story now !!! What a story!!! ~Todd

Have I got a story for you guys!
I heard a twig snap, and looked back...full on charge-a huge brownie, ears back, head low and motorin' full speed! Came with zero warning; no woof, no popping of the teeth, no standing up, nothing like what you think or see on TV! It charged from less than 20 yards and was on me in about one-second!

It was a "prehistoric" old boar- no teeth, no fat-weighed between 900-1000 lbs and took five men to DRAG it onto a tilt-bed trailer! Big bear-its paw measured out at about a 9 1/2 footer!

Almost puked for an hour after, had the burps and couldn't even stand up as the troopers conducted their investigation! Totally wiped me out- can't even put that feeling into words, by far the most emotion I have ever felt at once!
No doubt that God was with me, as I brought my Ruger .454 Casull (and some "hot" 350 grain solids) just for the heck of it, and managed to draw and snap shoot (pointed, never even aimed!) from the hip! Total luck shot!

Did you know that last week I had two chase my dog UNDER my daughters trampoline 5 feet from our house! And last summer, we had 13 brownies in our yard! We have bear "proof" garbage cans, no dog food outside, no bird feeders, no fish carcasses/eggs...nothing to contribute to this situation! Anyway, as you can tell, I am fed up with it, and wont even hesitate to shoot on sight the next brown bear that sets foot in my yard!!! Game on!
All I can say is Praise God for my safety and for choosing to leave the wife and kids at home on this walk! Got a charter tomorrow, so gonna TRY to get some sleep now!
Talk to ya soon,
Friday, July 17, 2009
Missouri Car Dealer Gives Away AK-47 With Every Truck Purchased
Mark Mueller owner of Max Motors Ford dealership in Butler, Missouri is not only guaranteeing the lowest price nation wide on his trucks but he's also giving away an AK-47 with every truck purchased. Call 1-888-MAX-8881 today.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
God, Firearms and America Come Together at a Church in Kentucky

Some of those seated in the pews of New Bethel Church here Saturday night, their firearms tucked to their sides, saw themselves as modern-day pioneers.
“This country started by people gathering together in churches and complaining about taxation and about their current government, King George III, taking armaments that they had,” said Chesley Kemp, 61, a family doctor with his Kimber .45 Auto at his side.
Dr. Kemp said he had driven two hours from Bowling Green to attend a gun celebration at the church, which event organizers said appeared to be the first of its kind, at least in modern times.
The pioneer spirit suffused a 90-minute program staged by Ken Pagano, the pastor of the Assembly of God church, for whom God, guns and America are a package deal.
“But for a deep-seated belief in God and firearms, this country would not be here today,” Mr. Pagano declared from the church’s pulpit.Read the rest here.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This should set off alarm bells in your brain
-- And you could be forced to spend $13,000 of your own money toward this effort!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
At long last, Teddy Kennedy has partially revealed the health care system he wants to foist on the whole country -- and it isn't pretty.
It won't be pretty for your pocket book... OR FOR YOUR GUN RIGHTS!
But first, let us explain what TeddyCare is all about.
At the center of the plan is what's called a "universal mandate." What this means is that you -- and virtually everyone in the country -- will have to buy as much health insurance as the government demands, and that insurance plan will actually have to be approved by the government.
If you work for a small business, the business will buy the insurance on your behalf. But you may be saddled with an enormous part of the cost. And, if the employer's contribution is too large, you will be fired.
If you fail to buy TeddyCare, as the government orders you to do, the IRS will fine you, garnish your wages, put a lien on your house, and, ultimately, put you in prison.
How much will you have to spend on your TeddyCare insurance? Teddy's not saying.
The portion of your paycheck that will have to be forked over to Teddy's latest social experiment will be revealed ONLY AFTER THE MASSIVE HEALTH CARE BILL IS SIGNED INTO LAW.
This should set off alarm bells in your brain, because, for instance, the average family policy is currently $12,700. "So," proclaims Teddy, "everyone's going to get a subsidy to pay for this." There's going to be a "chicken in every pot," and no one's going to have to pay for it.
Yeah, right. If you're a welfare mother, the government will pay for your TeddyCare, and it would pay for it -- the first time -- by taxing employer-provided health benefits of working Americans. But if you a "working Joe" your Kennedy-subsidy will be a microscopic fraction of the cost of your mandated TeddyCare insurance policy.
Okay, all of this sounds ominous... but why is this a gun issue?
The answer is that TeddyCare will allow radical left Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to determine all of the fine print in every TeddyCare policy -- which you will be required to buy under penalty of imprisonment.
Currently, as a result of the stimulus bill and a whole lot of other factors, the government is rapidly moving in the direction of computerizing all of your most confidential medical records and putting them into a federal database.
So remember when your son was asked by his pediatrician about your gun collection? That would be in the federal database.
Or remember when your wife told her gynecologist that she had regularly smoked marijuana ten years ago -- thereby potentially barring both her and you from ever owning a gun again? That would be in the database.
Or if a military veteran complains to his psychiatrist that he's had emotional stress since coming back to the States, that would be in the database.
Or remember when gramps was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, thereby making him a "mental defective" who would have to relinquish his life-long gun collection? That's in there too.
And, while we are dangerously close to allowing BATFE to troll all of that information, TeddyCare would allow Sebelius to put EVERYONE'S private data in a database with a stroke of a pen.
When we say "everyone," we don't mean quite everyone.
Teddy has conveniently excluded Washington bureaucrats from his TeddyCare mandate.
Also, Teddy and his friends in the media don't want you to hear about the details until after the bill is passed. That's why they're trying to slam it through within the next month and a half before anyone's had a chance to read or debate it.
In fact, the TeddyCare proposal is currently circulating around Capitol Hill without even a bill number.
ACTION: Urge your two U.S. Senators to oppose Sen. Ted Kennedy's mandate that will result in the registration of all your gun information. Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below.
----- Pre-written letter -----
Dear Senator:
At long last, Teddy Kennedy has partially revealed the health care system he wants to foist on the whole country -- and it isn't pretty.
At the center of the TeddyCare plan is what's called a "universal mandate." What this means is that I -- and virtually everyone in the country -- will have to buy as much health insurance as the government demands, and that insurance plan will actually have to be approved by the government.
But this is not only an issue of individual freedom; it is a gun issue.
This is because Teddycare will allow radical left Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to determine all of the fine print in every Teddycare policy -- which Americans will be required to buy under penalty of imprisonment.
Currently, as a result of the stimulus bill and a whole lot of other factors, the government is rapidly moving in the direction of computerizing all of our most confidential medical records and putting them into a federal database.
So if a kid is asked by his pediatrician about his dad's gun collection, that would be in the federal database.
Or if a wife told her gynecologist that she had regularly smoked marijuana ten years ago -- thereby potentially barring both her and her husband from ever owning a gun again, that would be in the database.
Or if a military veteran complains to his psychiatrist that he's had emotional stress since coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan, that would be in the database.
Or when gramps was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, thereby making him a "mental defective" who would have to relinquish his life-long gun collection, that would be in there too.
And, while we are dangerously close to allowing BATFE to troll all of that information, TeddyCare would allow Sebelius to put EVERYONE'S private data in a database with a stroke of a pen.
You cannot imagine how angry I, my family, and my neighbors are about this most recent fraud scheme to cheat me out of perhaps over $10,000 for TeddyCare -- and to violate my privacy in the process.
I insist that you oppose TeddyCare -- immediately and loudly. Please do not try to shower me with propaganda about how a mandate on how I spend my own money is somehow good for me.