Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Do you value your freedom?

Barack Obama’s Ten Point Plan to “Change” the Second Amendment

1. Ban use of firearms for home defense.
2. Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.
3. Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.
4. Close down 90% of the gun shops in America.
5. Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
6. Increase federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.
7. Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime
8. Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.
9. Mandate a government-issued license to purchase a firearm.
10. Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal judiciary who share his view on the Second Amendment.

Reprinted from the NRA Magazine, "American Hunter," September 2008 issue.

If you have not watched "Shindlers List" you should. Also if you have not watched "Band of Brothers" all the way through to the concentration camp, you should.

Man is born corrupt, we are sons of Adam. Rabbits give birth to rabbits. Dogs give birth to puppy's. Corrupt man give birth to corrupt men. People must be taught to be righteous, they do not have to be taught to be corrupt. "The law is perfect converting the soul." You must know what the law is and what the consequences are for disobeying the law. Grace from God will cause you to obey the law.

So don't believe that disarming the general public will make a safer country, it will only allow the corrupt to murder the people who are trying to do the right thing.

If someone believes we should disarm the public, ask them which ethnic group they will begin eliminating first.

Take care and
God Bless.