Monday, May 11, 2009

States to Declare Intrastate Sovereignty

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

I had read about Montana's passage of this law, but Utah and Texas as well? Could this be the "squawk" heard round the world? Telling the Feds to get back to the Constitution, limit their activity to the specifics spelled out in the Constitution?

My prediction: this will be turned on its head by the courts and/or the executive branch, this time. IF this happens, there will be such an outcry and rallying (particularly in light of continued Federal meddling) it will end up doing what needs doing. Abe Lincoln "blew the dam" when he ordered Federal troops to invade sovereign states. Once that war was lost, the central government began, and has not yet stopped, usurping all manner of power. There WILL be a tipping point, the equivalent of the Boston Port Bill, that will push too many too far. That will be the beginning of the return to true federal government. Let us hope it comes without bloodshed and general chaos.